Zoraï Hope
Healer Tao Sian will await her escort from Zora to Pyr at the Grand-Place in Zora to bring her curative compound for Emperor Dexton on Holeth, Germinally 18, 3rd AC 2554(JY) at 14h *. In order to not be surprised by the ferocious beasts that plague the areas the escort will pass, please bring proper attire and defensive weapons. The road will be long and the danger real.
Wan Fai-Du, disciple of Sage Sorrow.
Added by Stories of Atys about 14 years ago
Information has been obtained regarding the recent ambush of the caravan bringing the Zoraï healer, Tao Sian to Pyr. Decalion Krilus will meet with interested parties that wish to aid in locating the kidnapped healer on Prima, Harvestor 7, 3rd AC 2554(JY) at 11h * at the Ceriakos Gate.
[*] Saturday, 12 February at 20:00 GMT