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mokoi, 05/13/2009 05:04 AM

Chronicles of Atys


In 2525, Atys resembles an amnesic planet.
The homins know very little about their past let alone the history of their planet.
This section is a reflection of what they know. It brings together knowledge previously discovered and will be completed with every step closer to the verity.

Plunge into this section and enter the Universe of The Saga of Ryzom.



L'Histoire se vit, et s'écrit. De la période d'avant le Grand Essaim, peu de traces subsistent, malgré la volonté des homins de retrouver leur passé.
Depuis le Grand Essaim, et l'Exode qui chassa les homins des Anciennes Terres, de nombreux homins se sont penchés sur la rédaction de faits ayant eu lieu, tel le Chroniqueur Erlan, pour que plus jamais l'Histoire ne fasse défaut à l'Hominité. Abandonnez-vous aux histoires de ce monde merveilleux qu'est Atys.

History is lived and written. In the period before the Great Essaim, few traces remain, despite the willingness of Hominis to regain their past.
Since the Grand Essaim and Exodus hominis which drove the old terraces, many hominis focused on writing facts that occurred, such as columnist Erlan, so that history never does default to the Hominité. Lose yourself in stories of this world wonderful Atys.

Les Chroniques

Updated by mokoi almost 16 years ago · 3 revisions